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Monday, June 6, 2011 @ 4:50 PM Hi I am here to post about something you all know from the title. Anyway fangmin long long time ago asked me to post sth about Jaejoong. You see, I loved him for so long, and I've been talking about him all the time, I think it's kind of boring if I just posted about him. SO! Today I'm going to talk about my new found love. You may think that I love everybody, but my love varies you know. There are "super nice leh!", which is the first stage, which basically means I super like their songs or whatever. Then comes the "super awesome leh!" which is the second stage, which basically means I went further and started stalking and finding out and liking that person more. :) And then... The third stage is the hardest for people to get there, because the third stage is "my future husband!", which basically means that as I stalk, the stronger the feelings of love and "super nice" and "super awesome and handsome and cute blah" grows. And it grows and grows till it's super scary and becomes my love. My two obvious loves are "Jaejoong" and "Justin Bieber". Two 'J's. Wonderful. Now comes a 'Y'. YOSEOB. I feel weird. Cuz firstly I don't even care about B2st. I don't really want to care too much about kpop cuz it will take up most of my time (it took up my entire 24 hours a day when I went into DBSK :/ which in the end now even fangmin knows more about them so.) But this still did not deter me from loving him! I mean, I just look at him, hear him sing, and I'm in love! LIKE SERIOUSLY! And he's 21. EH NOT BAD AS OLD AS MY OLDER BROTHER WOOHOO! Sigh... Anyway, let me evaluate why I love him. LOOK AT IT. (sorry I heck cared about the other ppl :P don't even know who they are) LOOK AT THIS! ![]() LOOK AT THIS MANZ! LOOOOOK AT IT!!! ![]() LOOK AT HIS FACE, LOOK AT IT CLOSELY! Don't you feel like kissing/squishing/pinching/kissing again?? Oh my gosh his face is just so irresistible. His face is awesome no matter what leh! Even Jaejoong has his ugly moments, but Yoseob is just... PRETTY LITTLE FACE! 2) He's so cute. He's so very cute so very very very very cute. :D Jaejoong is cool, Justin is funny, and Yoseob is ABSOLUTELY CUTE! LIKE MOI!!! I MEAN LOOK AT THIS: ![]() LOOK HERE HERE HERE ![]() LOOK AT HIM CLIMBING THIS STAIRCASE ![]() THIS IS SO CUTE TOO WAAAAH ![]() I... I... I WANT TO SQUISH HIM SO BAD BOOHOOOOOO (sorry this is what you get when I just started loving somebody. You should have seen me in sec two starting to love Jaejoong...:P) 3) His voice is good. :) Hm, very good lah very good no comment haha better than me so much lah haha. But all singers are supposed to sound as good so. Click for Yoseob's voice if you want to hear it heehee. Anyway I bet some of you already watched it liao. blah. Anyway stop hording at his voice part I think that's the most boring part of that all I mean, look at his FACE! GOODNESS!! ![]() I don't know about you, but I really really like him. I don't care much about the other b2st ppl though, cuz too bad Yoseob is too awesome for me to care about anybody else. YOSEOB!! ![]()